What’s it to hue anyway? (Orange)

Orange Is the New Brown Girl is my ode to living room, confusion, precaution(amber, orange, amber, orange), blacking gold and the courage to experience her and all the convenient slash inconvenient poems within her(yes eye refer to myself in the third person sometimes because I’m a quirk).

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That sounded like a mouthful. In essence what I’m getting at is really where I’m at, where I’ve been and where I’m going with my ‘poetrees’ (yes, these ones are movable without getting too much in the way of morality).

This blog will explore eccentricities-all inclusive of my own such as my eyes (I) and hues (you)-,my relationship with the colour orange, my black train of thought and my poems- including favourites from various poets and writers.

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Click here for a preview of what to expect!

Oh! Here’s another

Aja Monet – You Make Holy War from Cam Be on Vimeo.

Keep it fruity
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